Our New Format

For a full list of this quarters materials (including Video, MP3 Downloads, and Handouts in MS Word™ in addition to Handouts in PDF) see the link list above on the far left AND/OR see "Media" section above for Video and Handouts. 

*Handout in MS Word™:

As a new feature on Theox.org, we are providing Ken Hart's handout in MS Word™ for those who use Logos™ or other Bible study software. Click on the link above to go to the full listing of resources for the new quarter. For prior handouts in this format, send an email to Info@Theox.org

"The Gospel of Mark" - 3rd Quarter 2024 (July-September) - "A Look Ahead" - Our TV Program

Lesson 7: Teaching Disciples: Part I

Handout-PDF #7 - for August 17, 2024

Lesson 6: Inside Out

Handout-PDF #6 - for August 10, 2024

Lesson 5: Miracles Around the Lake

Handout-PDF #5 - for August 3, 2024

Lesson 4: Parables

Handout-PDF #4 - for July 27, 2024

Lesson 3: Controversies

Handout-PDF #3 - for July 20, 2024

Lesson 2: A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Handout-PDF #2 - for July 13, 2024

Lesson 1: The Beginning of the Gospel

Handout-PDF #1 - for July 6, 2024