
"A Look Ahead" - Ken Hart's Sabbath School Class - Video

is recorded weekly at the Theological Crossroads Studio in Loma Linda, California. Recordings are made several weeks ahead of the schedule of the Bible Study Guide so that material is available for your enrichment. Recordings and Handouts are provided in multiple formats on the linked page for your personal and group study. Links to the Video Recordings of Ken Hart's Sabbath Sabbath Class are provided below.


Ken with his Sabbath School Class

Our Sabbath School Studio Set
Some read scripture and grow to love God. Others read and come to fear Him. Yet others read and just feel confused. They stand at a Theological Crossroad, trying to decide which way to go – what to believe. They read stories about how God destroyed the earth by flood; killed all of the first-born in Egypt; and ordered the slaughter of men, women, and children. They come to see Him as arbitrary, harsh, severe, and unforgiving. Then they read how gently Jesus treated the woman at the well, how He dealt with the woman caught in adultery, how He was so respectful of Simon, how He washed the feet of Judas and they say that if God is like that, they would like to be His friend.

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We all live in the tension between good and evil, love and hate, beauty and ugliness. What is the cause of this dichotomy? If God is so good, why does He allow so much evil? If He is all powerful, why doesn’t He fix the problem?

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Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control, Videos Are Temporarily Unavailable On This Page:View a Video of Dr. Ken Hart's Sabbath School Discussion:


       Handout for January 7, 2012

       Handout for January 14, 2012

       Handout for January 21, 2012

4: The God of Grace and Judgment

       Handout for January 28, 2012

5: The Holiness of God

       Handout for February 4, 2012

       Handout for February 11, 2012

7: Lord of the Sabbath

       Handout for February 18, 2012

       Handout for February 25, 2012