Ken Hart's Sabbath School Class

meets weekly on the campus of Loma Linda University in Room 1105 of West Hall (School of Nursing building) at 11262 Campus Street (75 yards north of Barton Road) in Loma Linda, California. Recordings and Handouts are provided here in multiple formats for your personal and group study. Please note, you can start an audio file (i.e., "MP3 Download") and "minimize" it, then open the handout and follow the printed material on your computer! Click here for Instructions for viewing, printing, listening, and/or downloading.

"The Holy Spirit and Spirituality" - 1st Quarter 2017 (January-March) - "A Look Ahead" - Our TV Program

Lesson 12: The Work of the Holy Spirit

Handout for March 25, 2017

Video for March 25, 2017

MP3 Download for March 25, 2017

MOBI - ("Kindle-style") Handout for March 25 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 11: Grieving and Resisting the Spirit

Handout for March 18, 2017

Video for March 18, 2017

MP3 Download for March 18, 2017

MOBI - ("Kindle-style") Handout for March 18 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 10: The Holy Spirit, the Word, and Prayer

Handout for March 11, 2017

Video for March 11,2017

MP3 Download for March 11, 2017

MOBI - ("Kindle-style") Handout for March 11 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 9: The Holy Spirit and the Church

Handout for March 4, 2017

Video for March 4, 2017

MP3 Download for March 4, 2017

MOBI - ("Kindle-style") Handout for March 4 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 8: The Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit

Handout for February 25, 2017

Video for February 25, 2017

MP3 Download for February 25, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for February 25 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 7: The Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit

Handout for February 18, 2017

Video for February 18, 2017

MP3 Download for February 18, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for February 18 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 6: The Holy Spirit and Living a Holy Life

Handout for February 11, 2017

Video for February 11, 2010

MP3 Download for February 11, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for February 11 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 5: The Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit

Handout for February 4, 2017

Video for February 4, 2017

MP3 Download for February 4, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for February 4 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 4: The Personality of the Holy Spirit

Handout for January 28, 2017

Video for January 28, 2017

MP3 Download for January 28, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for January 28 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 3: The Divinity of the Holy Spirit

Handout for January 21, 2017

Video for January 21, 2017

MP3 Download for January 21, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for January 21 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts

Lesson 2: The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes

Handout for January 14, 2017

Video for January 14, 2017

MP3 Download for January 14, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for January 14 with Hyperlinks to Bible Text

Lesson 1: The Spirit and the Word

Handout for January 7, 2017

Video for January 7, 2017

MP3 Download for January 7, 2017

MOBI ("Kindle-style") Handout for January 7 with Hyperlinks to Bible Texts













